Are you at that exciting stage of planning for a baby and want to optimise your health and fertility prior to conception?

Have you been trying for a baby for a while and are looking for a more natural alternative to orthodox medical infertility interventions?

Have you sadly suffered from a miscarriage or recurrent miscarriages and need support?

Do you need support as you go through IVF to optimise the chances of a healthy pregnancy?

Are you pregnant and hoping to optimise your health and the health of your baby or get support with pregnancy symptoms?

Or  have you just had your baby and want to ensure your diet and lifestyle is the best it can be for getting yourself back on track and optimising breastfeeding?
If you can relate to any of the above, I have developed gentle and nourishing  programmes to help, with the clinic based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. This is a truly holistic approach to optimising your fertility, pregnancy and postnatal health and  I can work with you to create an effective, individualised clinical Nutritional Therapy programme to help you meet your goals. The various programmes below are all designed with your specific needs and lifestyle in mind so that you find it simple to incorporate into your life and can follow it as long as necessary.

I encourage both parents-to-be to have a consultation to optimise the health and happiness of the whole family, whether there are particular issues relating to conception, pregnancy, labour and birth, or simply a desire to make the most of this time in a way which is loving and nurturing.

The Nourishing by Nature clinic is based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire or I can visit you in your home within 30 miles of Cheltenham.

You can find out more about what to expect from a clinical Nutritional Therapy consultation here


Optimising fertility programme

nourish & VITALISE


The definitions of VITALISE are ‘of or relating to life’; ‘being the seat or source of life’

This optimising fertility programme and to VITALISE is all about stimulating, enlivening, empowering, exciting, fortifying, strengthening and pepping up and of course nourishing

I have a special interest in, and clinical experience of helping people with fertility problems and in optimising pregnancy health for both mother and  baby. Having experienced recurrent miscarriages myself,  I have great empathy for anyone who is experiencing problems trying for a baby understand what an upsetting and stressful time this can be.  However, I do believe there is hope for many people.  I now have two happy, healthy children through what I believe was down to  making changes to my diet and lifestyle and through following a natural, Functional Medicine approach to optimising my health.

Whether you are just starting out on your fertility journey, are having trouble conceiving, are experiencing recurrent miscarriages or want to optimise your chances of IVF success, there is much that can be done via nutritional therapy and making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

When it comes to optimising fertility, the earlier you start planning a nourishing programme the better but I recommend a minimum of 3 months of adopting healthy changes prior to conceiving. The latest research indicates that the maternal diet even before conception can have health consequences for the baby when born and later in life (1)During this time work can be done on improving the quality of the female egg and the male sperm to give you the best chance of conception and having a viable pregnancy and improving the health of your child.

Before meeting you I will ask you to to fill in a comprehensive health and lifestyle questionnaire, a specific fertility questionnaire and a food diary.  I will analyse these prior to us meeting so we can better spend our time discussing what may be the cause of any problems and how we are going to go about  addressing them.  It is always preferable to work with both you and your partner together but not absolutely necessary.

Please contact me to find out about my latest pricing and value packages.

 Optimising pregnancy programme

Pregnancy Health

nourish & NURTURE


The definitions of NURTURE are ‘to feed and protect’; ‘to support and encourage’ and ‘to rear, bring up’;  ‘to nourish’

This optimising pregnancy programme and to NURTURE is all about rearing, feeding, nourishing, nutriment, educating, encouraging and of course nourishing

Congratulations, you are pregnant! This is a time of great change and you have different nutritional needs when you are pregnant. These needs change depending on what stage of pregnancy you are at and with your own individual state of health and lifestyle. A tailor-made nutritional plan will take all these factors into account to help optimise your health and your babies health and help to prevent miscarriage.

As we all know your diet and lifestyle choices we make during the nine months are critical for optimising your health during pregnancy and post birth and the development and health of your baby. However, recent research also shows that what we eat during pregnancy can have affect not only the health of our child during pregnancy or at birth but throughout their lives. It can even effect the health of their children and their children’s children – i.e.  we have the power to improve the health of three generations of our family through making the right dietary and lifestyle choices in pregnancy and leading up to pregnancy. Yes, this is a huge responsibility but it doesn’t have to be daunting.  I will guide you to make the right choices for you and your child so that you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy and prepare yourself for the birth.

Pregnancy can also bring its own health challenges and nutritional therapy can support you through various pregnancy-related issues such as:

  • Morning sickness
  • Obstetric cholestasis
  • Achieving ideal pregnancy weight gain
  • Digestive issues including constipation and heartburn (reflux)
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Poor dental health

Please contact me to find out about my latest pricing and value packages.

Optimising postnatal programme

nourish & REPLENISH


The definitions of REPLENISH are ‘to make full and complete again’; ‘to supply with fresh fuel’; ‘to anew’    

The optmiising postnatal programme and to REPLENISH are all about refilling, refreshing, restoring, renewing and of course nourishing

So your little one has finally arrived.  You are no doubt overjoyed but this is also is often a time of confusion, stress and exhaustion!  It is vital that you give yourself the best nutritional care you can so you are able to recover as quickly as possible and enjoy this special time. As with pregnancy, it is a time when you need to pay particular attention to what you are eating especially if you are breastfeeding.  I will again work with to create a tailor-made programme to help get you back on track, to give your body all it needs and to maximise your energy (to help with those sleepless nights!)

I can also help support you through any post pregnancy health issues including:

  • Post-natal depression or low mood
  • Regaining a regular sleeping pattern
  • Weight loss
  • Regaining skin and hair health

Please contact me to find out about my latest pricing and value packages.


1. Matt J Silver, et al., Independent genomewide screens identify the tumor suppressor VTRNA2-1 as a human epiallele responsive to periconceptional environment, Genome Biology Volume 16, Number 118.